Greeting cards from Digital Greeting cards. We have a range of greeting cards, for many occasions. Thanks you cards, get well soon  and more. As a transplant patient myself, check out my kidneyversary cards. Helping to celebrate the anniversary of our transplants.

Greeting Cards

Get well soon card - hospital

Thank you Card

It’s always important to say thank you, we have cards that do just that. You may wish to thank a nurse for looking after you, as well as other health staff. Thank a Teacher or other professional for the work they do. Saying thank you is always something we appreciate.

Personalised Kidneyversary Card

Transplant Anniversary

As a kidney transplant patient, I know the importance of organ donation. But when I had my kidney transplant 29 years ago, I always struggled to see a greeting card that would celebrate this wonderful gift. The kidneyversary card, is my way of changing that. Liverversary and heart available too.

Now on Etsy
Transplant anniversary

Birthday Cards

Birthday Cards

Elvis Birthday Card


Birthday Cards

February Birthday Card

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Greeting Cards

Kidneyversary Card
